Here rules the mad head, mad head [1]
Here the mad head dominates…
Syktyvkar underground rap [2]
From one head all the gray hair
Everything to dust and ashes, everything from one rib
And one satan, white mist before the eyes
And white foam spewes from the mouth, the mad head boils
My pit is deeper than a trench, two cuts with three stitches
They read out the rights once, a crowd here in blue uniforms
And iron shackles, sleeves on the arms
Suffer, mad head, yes, suffer, mad head
Gingerbread, whip, mace, court, wagon, grouse
Bread crumb, tea, halva – suffer mad head
Cooked kasha with butter, they had to choke it down, scum [3]
Broke a bunch of wood, mad, mad head
Two bullets, three feathers, three slaps, two bodies
The key to BUR in the pocket, the owners got kicked out [4]
Here rules the mad head, mad head
Here the mad head dominates, yeah, mad mad head
When mad head boiled in no time
And steadily smoked poured through the pipes, and the whole prison rumbled
And three rods and two stakes, Vorkuta, bells [2]
And Magadan, your home is a prison, suffer mad head [2]
Mad head, mad head
Here the mad head dominates, mad head
And the mad head drags on, mad head
That mad, mad head, that mad, mad head
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!